New Strategic Plan Announcement

Dear SPYS Youth Champion, 

I am thrilled to share our direction for the coming years at Rewriting the Rules of Youth Engagement as your partnership – your investment, your support, your feedback, and your faith in us – has been critical to our continued success. 

The 2021 - 2025 Strategic Plan unapologetically reimagines a world where Black youth feel loved, safe, and free and I invite you to read the complete Strategic Plan Announcement here.

Thank you for your support of me as a leader and SPYS as a changemaker. 

Onward Together,


Dr. Tracine Asberry
SPYS Youth Champion & Executive Director


2021-2025 Strategic Plan Rollout Experiences

Guided Rollout Experience

One Complete PowerPoint & Video Presentation of SPYS' Strategic Plan, 2021 - 2025

that includes 20 slides with 10 YouthPowerMediaMN℠ videos.


Abbreviated Rollout Experience

Ten Short PowerPoint & Video Presentations of SPYS' Strategic Plan, 2021 - 2025 hosted by YouthPowerMediaMN℠.

Videos include:



(3) Values

(4) Strategic Plan Goals

Say Their Names: Black Lives Matter